Elesta EchoLaser has been featured on Corriere della Sera, number one newspaper in Italy by circulation and readership.

Its urology application for the treatment of BPH symptoms is TPLA (transperineal laser ablation), aka SoracteLite.

It is a novel technique which is gaining fast adoption internationally. Safety and efficacy profile was confirmed by many publications, which include two RCT’s vs TURP and one systematic review. Despite new, durability data on this treatment modality at 2 and 3 years are also published (5 years data coming soon).

Link to the article: https://www.corriere.it/salute/sportello_cancro/24_aprile_01/ipertrofia-della-prostata-quando-operare-e-quali-sono-le-tecniche-piu-indicate-a-seconda-anche-dell-eta-29c017e9-d1a3-49a7-abf7-cfe11e525xlk.shtml

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