Laser Thermal Ablation: polish TV presents EchoLaser

Laser Thermal Ablation: polish TV presents EchoLaser

TVP January 22, 2020 EuroMediCare Specialist Hospital in Wrocław present its experience with EchoLaser in a television report on Polish TV TVP. Dr Tomasz Sędziak and Piotr Szulc., with over 200 EchoLaser treatments performed, presented EchoLaser clinical applications... Leggi tutto

Elesta mourns the death of Prof. Claudio Pacella, who passed away last night

We express our sorrow for the loss of the dear and esteemed Professor Claudio Maurizio Pacella, who has represented since the foundation of Elesta, an essential support both in medical and scientific field. We join in the grief of Claudio’s family and we will... Leggi tutto

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