The final meeting on Delphi Consensus on SoracteLite™ TPLA for BPH and Pca was held on 26 September 2022
Expert users of EchoLaser for the treatment of BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and for focal therapy of prostatic carcinoma (SoracteLite™ TPLA – Transperineal Laser Ablation) gathered yesterday in Florence to finalize a Delphi Consensus project which was... Leggi tutto
EchoLaser and SuttonUnited
Our UK/IRE distributor Ideal Medical Systems (, advertised EchoLaser for BPH treatment with a dedicated signage at the stadium used by the UK football team Sutton United. This initiative will increase awareness on the newest non surgical alternative... Leggi tutto
SIU – Società Italiana di Urologia
Scopri EchoLaser SoracteLite al 95° Congresso Nazionale del SIU a Riccione! L’innovativo trattamento transperineale e microinvasivo per l’IPB! Programma Leggi tutto
ModìLite arriva a Caltanissetta
#ModìLite: una delle applicazioni di #EchoLaser. Arriva adesso in #Sicilia al Sant’Elia l’unico trattamento #microinvasivo di #termoablazione #laser dei #nodulitiroidei.... Leggi tutto
#SoracteLite is the application of Echolaser in #urology field. With a #transperineal and #microinvasive (21G needle) approach the procedure is carried out without any complication and with the preservation of the ejaculation and urination functionality. ... Leggi tutto
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