Corso Teorico Pratico all’LXY Institute di MADRID!
Si è concluso il corso teorico – pratico al LXY Institute di Madrid, dove EchoLaser TPLA ha svolto un ruolo centrale come trattamento per l’IPB. Scopri di più grazie al Dr. Pablo Garrido Abad! III Edición Curso Práctico en STUI y Patología Vesicoprostática... Leggi tutto
We are thrilled to announce the successful delivery of an EchoLaser TPLA to The Royal Surrey County Hospital, made possible by the generous donation from The Prostate Project. This cutting-edge medical equipment will provide new treatment options for patients... Leggi tutto
First Time Worldwide Use of Radio-Opaque Markers in Focal Treatment for the Prostate Cancer
EchoLaser is a multichannel laser system used for the ultrasound or fusionguided laser ablation of both benign and malignant lesions in the prostate, such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and localized Prostate Cancer. EchoLaser was developed by the Italian Med-Tech... Leggi tutto
January24: Thyroid Awarness Month
🦋 Elevating Thyroid Health with Innovation! 🦋 January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and at Elesta S.p.A., we’re committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals dealing with thyroid deseas, such as thyroid nodules. Our cutting-edge microinvasive... Leggi tutto
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