Expert users of EchoLaser for the treatment of BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and for focal therapy of prostatic carcinoma (SoracteLite™ TPLA – Transperineal Laser Ablation) gathered yesterday in Florence to finalize a Delphi Consensus project which was initiated months ago and will soon be published. Participating experts were selected in Europe and USA among those who have a treated patients and followed them up to observe multiple parameters (durability of efficacy, adverse events, etc.). The Delphi Consensus methodology is broadly used in medicine: first used in the 60’s, it has since then evolved and today is considered to be a reliable aproach, especially to assess new treatments. Under the coordination of urologists from the Careggi Hospital (University of Florence), experts thoroughly discussed selection and profiling of patients eligible for the treatment, shared their experiences and debated intra as well as post procedural options and recommendations. The publication of this work will reinforce and corroborate EchoLaser as a novel, but already well published, micro-invasive, outpatient treatment option available for patients affected by BPH and prostatic cancer.

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